In this episode, Thibaud Marechal dives deep into the cosmic rabbit hole of Bitcoin and shares a spectrum of his holistic technological-monetary-economical knowledge on Bitcoin. 

These and so many other exciting topics talked about: 

Silk Road & Dark Web 
Custodial & Non-Custodial 
Privacy / Security / Verifiability / Full Node (Casa/ MyNode) 
Private Keys / Convenience / Trade-Offs
Monetary Sovereignty (@TraceMayer) 
Pension Funds/Endowment Funds  / Collusion? 
Anonymity & Satoshi Nakomoto´s Vision? 
Fungibility & CoinMixing (Wasabi´s Coinjoin & Samourai´s Whirlpool)
Privacy on Bitcoin´s Base Layer & Lightning Network ? 
UX / UI 
Stock-to-Flow-Ratio / Halving etc. (PlanB)
Global Monetary Base (Crypto_Voices) 
"Bitcoin is Cosmic at its Core"
Liberty & Freedom 
"Bitcoin UNfucks You". 
Future of Bitcoin´s Power and Human-Scientific-Technological-Spiritual Evolution. 

Follow Thibaud Marechal on twitter: @thibm_

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