During the Lightning Conference 2019 in Berlin, I had the pleasure to sit down with Adam Back (cyberpunk, cryptographer, PhD in computer science, CEO/Co-Founder of Blockstream etc.) for an interview.

Adam´s works (Hashcash used in Bitcoin Mining) is cited in the White Paper of Satoshi Nakomoto. 

Our fascinating talk deep down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole covers a spectrum of questions and topics: 

Lightning: Purpose / Vision/ Challenges / Scalability / Privacy / Security / On&Off Chain
Finalization of Payment
Future Developments: Layer 1 & 2; Interoperability / Splice-In / Channels
UX / UI / By Default Functions&Features/ "All in One"?/ New Wallets
Coinjoin&Wasabi / Samourai&Whirlpool 
Different Trade-Offs: Convenience, Privacy, Security etc.
Liquid-Chain / Encryption / Block Explorer
IPs/ Tor / VPN
Education / Self-Responsibility 
Critical Mass-Adoption
Multi-Signatures / 2FA 
Safe Recovery-Key / User-Control 
The Bigger Picture 
Bail-In / Negative Rates / Recession / Crash
Keynesianism / Modern Monetary Theory / (Hyper-) Inflation
Investment-Allocation of Bitcoin / Gold / Volatility / Stability / Adoption-Curve
FOMO / Mass-Psychology / Stock-to-Flow-Ratio / (Absolute) Scarcity 
Digital Gold Asset
Adoption Saturation
Permissionless / Self-Sovereignty / Censorship-Resistance / Privacy
Predecessors of Bitcoin / Failures / Centralization
Satoshi Nakomoto´s Vision and Ethos 
Human Civilization / Evolution / Technological "Zero-to-One" Innovations 
Hard & Sound Money / Bitcoin: The New Gold-Standard 
Limitations of Gold 
Bank Runs
Fractional Reserve Banking & Money 
Humanity Not Understanding Money 
Low Time Preference & Saving
True Potential & Essence of Bitcoin for Humanity 
"The Bitcoin Rabbit Hole" 
Improving the Quality of Life for Billions of People with Bitcoin
Beautiful Vision: Evolution. 

Follow Adam Back on twitter: @adam3us

Website: cypherspace.org/adam/

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Ethical (Bitcoin-) Sponsors are welcome. Contact Keyvan Davani: [email protected] 

YouTube: youtube.com/c/keyvandavani

Satoshis are welcome, too!

Thank you!


twitter: @keyvandavani 

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