#Bitcoin #Money #Currencies #Gold #Silver #Inflation #Scarcity #Inflation #Hyperinflation #StoreofValue #UnitofAccount #Debt #Dollar #CBDC #Scarcity   

Music: https://www.purple-planet.com/  

Matthew Mezinskis, Host of Podcast @crypo_voices, and Stefanie von Jan, Austrian Economist, lecturer, author, & Bitcoiner, join me in this episode to talk about:   

Gold in the accounts of central banks (1.1 bn ounces according to them which is 1/6th of all gold mined) 

Tweet 16: monetary base as percentage of gold went from 80% in 1970s to 5% now, seignorage of 23 trillion USD Central banks were able to get away with money printing without the market crashing  

Mining asteroids would crush the gold price, gold through alchemy, gold would be reduced to utility in industrial goods  

Understanding compounding: measure unit per unit to make currencies comparable  

The balance sheet of central banks is mostly comprised of the monetary base, however, the account of the treasury increases which is not part of the monetary base 

The account of the treasury increases rapidly through helicopter money  

Federal Reserve Notes are obligations of the US government (future tax payments) 

Central bank of Iran buys Bitcoin, sets price and gives out only limited licenses  

Bitcoin is now going to the Corporate and International Level (Microstrategy) 

Regulatory restrictions in Europe, in USA more biased (both tendencies) 

CBDCs come with risk of hacking  Governments will regulate stable coins Big business (lobbyism/special interests) & Governments & Banking system collude  

Fiat system collapse Valuation of silver Ideas on future Bitcoin price development  

Money is not a measurement stick but it depends on subjective preferences 

 An abundant future is ready for all when central entities are eliminated   

Links:  https://twitter.com/crypto_voices/status/1323650471115083780?s=20 

twitter: @crypto_voices / @stefanievjan  

Articles: medium.com/@stefanievonjan   

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