Every week "The Top Twenty" brings you the first 20 minutes - give or take - of "The Hard Rock Lunchbox".  On this week's episode...

DJ wonders if you're off your game every week, is that just your new game?  The big man is tired and underslept - again - but still made it to the gym this morning.  He says how much he enjoys practically being asleep for half of his cardio workout, and why habits you can keep in the morning tend to me more successful.  He has a lot to say about the role of "common sense" in any conversation, and how that needs to apply more than ever, these days.  He asks the audience to ask themselves if it's more likely that Capitol Hill Police Officers were reading from a "script" that Nancy Pelosi wrote for them, or were they just reading from prepared statements - like every single other person he's ever seen testify before Congress does?  He urges people to not think what he thinks just because he says something, but rather to run it past their own "gut" and see what their own logics tells them makes sense.  He touches on the passing of so many musicians this week, especially Dusty Hill, and laments the necessarily darker world that remains once these specific points of light burn out.

DJ can be found elsewhere at all things REVEL 9 (REVEL9.com) and every Thursday at noon on the Hard Rock Lunch Box (99WNRR.com and Hardrocklunchbox.com)

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