Every week "The Top Twenty" brings you the first 20 minutes - give or take - of "The Hard Rock Lunchbox".  On this week's episode...

DJ wonders if you have to tell someone that you're a 'good person', are you? And then proceeds to dive deep into some R9, and local scene, history for some context into why he's so tripped up by a recent comment someone has made to him.  He also manages to backstory the whole conversation and cites a recent article out of Alabama about a doctor dealing with end-stage COVID patients as the root cause.  Despite getting a good amount of sh*t for the article, he still thinks it's important and worth everyone's time to read. He also has a lot to say about misinformation and its recurrent place in history citing how at one time "the world is round" was misinformation as well as was "it's the fault of the Jews."  But he advises you to look at the sources of that "information" and points out that you'd do better to accept misinformation as "new ideas" when it comes from scholars and thinkers than you would when it comes from politicians or other people with clear and obvious agendas.

DJ can be found elsewhere at all things REVEL 9 (REVEL9.com) and every Thursday at noon on the Hard Rock Lunch Box (99WNRR.com and Hardrocklunchbox.com)

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