Why do we need to know so much to even begin to scratch the surface of how to eat properly? How did we lose our bearings when it comes to the one aspect of our lives that is the highest predictor of our overall health?


This discussion focuses on how powerful lobbies and constantly evolving science have led national guidelines to promote a diet that has made America the number-one unhealthiest country.


From food “blue zones” where people live longer to fad diets, recipes, and individual factors, Tony, Ron, Andrea, and Meki discuss how they’ve been navigating their own food journeys as well as the knowledge that drives it.


Key Takeaways

[1:44] Tony welcomes everyone to the podcast and launches the discussion: How did we get to being so confused about diets and food? Ron shares his perspective on the historical aspects that have shaped America’s relationship to food.


Lobbies and pyramids [4:15] 50 years to figure out we’re doing it wrong — or that we’ve been told the wrong things by powerful lobbies.


The Kellogg obsession [8:26] So were corn flakes invented to kill the libido? Regardless of the answer, Americans now need to navigate a world where food knowledge was obscured for a very long time.


The Blue Zones [10:54] Who HAS figured food out?


Macro/Micro [16:30] From the high-carb, low-fat diet of the 90’s to the general, Andrea speaks to the conditioning Americans have had, to think of food only at a macronutrient level.


The old vegans [18:29] Meki touches on the bodywork she does on vegans and how their tissue differs from protein eaters!


Andrea’s recipes! [20:00] Andrea breaks down her predominantly plant-based whole foods way of eating — with no particular restrictions.


The big factors [27:05] Food accounts for the majority of your health, genetics do come into play as well as lifestyle — however our biggest current unknown looks like gut biome and how childhood can affect your entire life.


The great hoax [33:09] We’ve been led to believe that “My Plate” from the government works for everybody. So there is an amount of work to be done in terms of what works for you.


Thanks for listening!

Don’t miss part 2 of this episode where we touch on how diets can lead to almost religious dogma, how lifestyle and diets affect relationships as well as genetics as it relates to food.


More about your host

Podcast: tonywongpodcast.com

Agile Coaching: Agiletony.com

Executive Coaching: Agiletony.com/mental-and-emotional-agility

Twitter: Twitter.com/agile_tony

LinkedIn: Linkedin.com/in/agiletony

YouTube: Youtube.com/channel/UCJyT0C_nrzAZ9GhmOXaSRRw


More about our guests

Andrea Hollenbeck on Instagram @andreajileen and LinkedIn

Meki Blackwell on @mekiellacb and LinkedIn


Mentioned in this episode:

Lavva — pili nut yogurt


Garden of Life

Wahls’ protocol


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