I’m a skinny male...and I’m uncomfortable with my body right now.

First off - is it even acceptable for a man to be talking about body image? What about all the women who have it worse trying to fit into the mold that society tries to put us in? And if it IS okay for a man to be talking about this - what do we do when all we can focus on are the things we DON’T like about ourselves??

In episode #17, we talk about the following….

-What do we do when we have a problem that we’re uncomfortable sharing because we know others have it worse than us?

-How are we supposed to focus on the positives when there’s so many negatives about ourselves we don’t like?

-And why the hell did you post an image of your belt loop with the #notperfect hashtag on your instagram earlier this week?!

We’ll get into it all. I promise.


Helpful resources:

Beachbody on demand: This was the game changer for me and my health. Beachbody on Demand has access to hundreds of workout programs, fitness guides and workout calendars, and meal plans and recipes.

As a Beachbody coach myself, I know a lot about the programs. If you’d like to do a free call with me to see if this is a good fit for you - email me at [email protected] with the subject line “Beachbody On Demand.


21 Day Fix: The nutrition plan/workout program that got me results. I still use the food colored containers every day - four years later.

Audible: Listen to the books we talk about on the show from where ever you want - the car, the gym, or your commute to rehearsal. Even if you switch devices - you won’t lose your place. 30 days for a free membership with the link above and cancel anytime.

“The Happiness Advantage” - Shawn Achor

“The Five Second Rule” - Mel Robbins

“Why Alignment (Then Action) is the Key To Your Success” - A blog written by Wendy Braun. Wendy is an actor who creates guided meditations specifically for actors. You can check out her free blog and more about Wendy at www.actorinspiration.com.



Remember - you are enough….regardless of where you are in your life and career.

#notperfect #stillenough