If you haven’t seen what is happening in Haiti, it is horrific. There is actual footage of a man, who is now running Hati, eating human body parts. The Mockingbird Media had unanimously made fun of President Trump for calling the country a sh*thole. Now, the Washington Post is reporting on the horrors happening there. Incidentally, we'll talk about why all this is happening. But, that’s just Haiti. It couldn't happen here, right? I will show you scenes from Seattle of a bearded “woman” going on a naked rampage and a taxpayer funded heroin den. And, we look at perversion in the schools of Oklahoma. This show is for anyone who still thinks the collapse of society is localized.

What does God’s Word say? 
Proverbs 6:16-1 
There are six things the Lord hates,    seven that are detestable to him: 17         haughty eyes,        a lying tongue,        hands that shed innocent blood,18         a heart that devises wicked schemes,        feet that are quick to rush into evil,19         a false witness who pours out lies        and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

Episode 1,463 Links:
Cannibalism, murder, and fall of Haiti shouldn’t shock anyone — they were the first nation founded on DEI…What a day in Seattle’s Ravenna neighborhood. Total whack job draped in an LGB”T”Q Pride flag blocks traffic with his [scrotum and penis] out for everyone to see. Mental illness is real.UPDATE: Witnesses say a "bearded ‘woman’" went on a rampage Friday in Seattle's Ravenna neighborhood, trashing cars and a guitar store. So the suspect is not a dude.Inside a “safe” injection site. It was the most chaotic environment I have ever been in. People passed out in bowls of cereal, women screaming behind doors guarded by others, overdoses, crying etc. Staff were nowhere. It was horrifyingPittsburgh police will no longer respond to certain calls including theft, harassment, criminal mischief, and burglary alarms. Between 3AM-7AM there will be no officers at any police stations. Buy guns. Buy ammo. The police will not protect you.UNBELIEVABLE. @EdmondSchools has been holding feet licking and armpit licking events for years where students lick chocolate and peanut butter off of staff. After video surfaced last week of another school in Oklahoma holding a feet licking event, these videos were uncovered.Thirty five years ago Biden gave the response to one of George Bush's speeches. Republicans should have just played this and let Joe Biden respond to Biden's SOTUSan Francisco is covered in garbage and human feces. You would never see anything like this in Singapore or Japan. It does not have to be like this.We’re about to lose another embassy on Biden’s watch. Haiti is in total crisis. They’re now evacuating the US Embassy. Is this all we do under Biden? Rinse and repeat.4Patriots
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