There are people who are transhumanists whose endgame is a promise of eternal life. It is the end game prior to the end. The end is eternity, because you are an eternal being. You will either be with God and the fruits of His Spirit or not. Transhumanism starts with the transing of kids to normalize medical science mutilating you into a new being. But, that is just the first step. I will rely on the words of a pro LGBT man who wrote an article in 2015 in which he predicted the reality we are living in now as well as the future of humanity. He states that one of the goals of transhumanism is to make people god-like and to live forever. It is an upside down and inverse view of the Holy Scriptures. It is a lie. The endgame is the beginning of Satan’s army.

What does God’s Word say? 
Ezekiel 16:49 49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.
Ezekiel 18:20 20 The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them.
Ezekiel 25:17 17 I will carry out great vengeance on them and punish them in my wrath. Then they will know that I am the Lord, when I take vengeance on them.’”
Episode 1,462 Links:
The Future of the LGBT Movement May Involve TranshumanismThe Gay Rights Movement Has Been Hijacked by a Radical Transhumanist Agenda Sen. Rand Paul on Fauci’s Long History of Bioweapons Research: “One of the most alarming quotes which really tells you who Anthony Fauci is, is in 2012 he was asked about this and he says, ‘There are some risks. A pandemic could occur from these experiments but the knowledge is worth the risk.’…These are people getting paid billions of dollars and Robert Kennedy has recounted this better than anyone else, the connection to bioweapons trade.

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