In this episode, I'm talking with Steve Bookbinder who is an author and sales coach at DM Training.

Steve has personally trained over 50,000 sales people around the world so he knows a thing or two about getting conversions. However, the DM in his company name stands for “Digital Marketing” because 'sales people' now need to be 'marketing people' and marketing is digital.

In our conversation we explore such subjects as:

- The real skill needed for selling;

- The power of pattern spotting; and

- How you only need to track one number.

In addition, he explains why everything you've learned about selling is probably out of date already.

Before we jump into the interview, do remember to download a copy of my latest book - More Than Just Money by going to my website where a pop up should appear. This book runs through the Business Enjoyment model, shows you how you can use it to find a solution to pretty much any problem and, of course, explains what I really mean when I say that I want you to enjoy your business so much it makes your bits tingle.

If you want to know more about Steve, follow these links:

DM Training Website

Steve's Linkedin Profile

Steve's book - Leverage Your Laziness

So do check those out but for now sit back, relax, take a note of what you don't know about what you thought you knew and, most of all, enjoy.