I hear it so often...so many patients tell me I am going to be your most difficult case! Let me tell you why you are incorrect. Ever heard the term medical gaslighting? Here it is...doctor after doctor you have been told nothing is wrong yet symptoms persist. Symptoms are signs that tell us we need to dig deeper. Let me say it again .. You are not a tough case! When I meet with patients and look at the details the labs indicate (not just high, low or normal) and how they tie together, it becomes a beautiful symphony that can piece your puzzle together. Labs give such detailed info that when read correctly guide us to proper treatment for you and reversal of symptoms.

Episode mentioned on the case study:

LET'S GET YOUR LIFE BACK...Connect with Dr. Amie Hornaman

Book a free discovery call: https://dramiehornaman.com/pages/book-a-call
You are worth the effort it will take and I will get you there. Trust the process!


If you haven't already done so:
Join my exclusive Facebook Group, Dr. Amie…The Thyroid Fixer...Love Your Mirror, for a Community of HOPE and Support in your thyroid journey.
Like me on Facebook: Amie Hornaman Nutrition and Functional Medicine
Subscribe on Youtube: Dr. Amie Hornaman
Follow me on Instagram: @dramiehornaman

I hear it so often...so many patients tell me I am going to be your most difficult case! Let me tell you why you are incorrect. Ever heard the term medical gaslighting? Here it is...doctor after doctor you have been told nothing is wrong yet symptoms persist. Symptoms are signs that tell us we need to dig deeper. Let me say it again .. You are not a tough case! When I meet with patients and look at the details the labs indicate (not just high, low or normal) and how they tie together, it becomes a beautiful symphony that can piece your puzzle together. Labs give such detailed info that when read correctly guide us to proper treatment for you and reversal of symptoms.

Episode mentioned on the case study:


LET'S GET YOUR LIFE BACK...Connect with Dr. Amie Hornaman

Book a free discovery call: https://dramiehornaman.com/pages/book-a-call

You are worth the effort it will take and I will get you there. Trust the process!


If you haven't already done so:

Join my exclusive Facebook Group, Dr. Amie…The Thyroid Fixer...Love Your Mirror, for a Community of HOPE and Support in your thyroid journey.


Like me on Facebook: Amie Hornaman Nutrition and Functional Medicine

Subscribe on Youtube: Dr. Amie Hornaman

Follow me on Instagram: @dramiehornaman