I'm getting this question consistently in my practice...especially more recently. The frustration of not being able to lose weight especially when you believe you are doing ALL things right can lead to more doubt and questions. Here in this episode, I will talk about several reasons that may be contributing to your inability to shed weight or why you have plateaued. At the same time, remember the thyroid is the "master gland" and if the master controller is down, no matter what you do, you will NOT lose weight and most likely will gain weight.

LET'S GET YOUR LIFE BACK...Connect with Dr. Amie Hornaman

Book a free discovery call: https://dramiehornaman.com/pages/book-a-call
You are worth the effort it will take and I will get you there. Trust the process!


If you haven't already done so:
Join my exclusive Facebook Group, Dr. Amie…The Thyroid Fixer...Love Your Mirror, for a Community of HOPE and Support in your thyroid journey.
Like me on Facebook: Amie Hornaman Nutrition and Functional Medicine
Subscribe on Youtube: Dr. Amie Hornaman
Follow me on Instagram: @dramiehornaman

I'm getting this question consistently in my practice...especially more recently. The frustration of not being able to lose weight especially when you believe you are doing ALL things right can lead to more doubt and questions. Here in this episode, I will talk about several reasons that may be contributing to your inability to shed weight or why you have plateaued. At the same time, remember the thyroid is the "master gland" and if the master controller is down, no matter what you do, you will NOT lose weight and most likely will gain weight.

LET'S GET YOUR LIFE BACK...Connect with Dr. Amie Hornaman

Book a free discovery call: https://dramiehornaman.com/pages/book-a-call

You are worth the effort it will take and I will get you there. Trust the process!


If you haven't already done so:

Join my exclusive Facebook Group, Dr. Amie…The Thyroid Fixer...Love Your Mirror, for a Community of HOPE and Support in your thyroid journey.


Like me on Facebook: Amie Hornaman Nutrition and Functional Medicine

Subscribe on Youtube: Dr. Amie Hornaman

Follow me on Instagram: @dramiehornaman