Hey all....SNEAK PEEK into a module in The Complete Thyroid Fix Masterclass. What path are you on for treating your Hashimoto's? The natural path or the medication path? If you choose the medication path, I will be discussing the fears and frustrations that doctors may have over T3 medications and what you may hear if you request T3 medication. In this episode, I will dive into the benefits of T3 medication and why you should not be scared of it. 

In my Complete Thyroid Fix Masterclass, I will take you from beginning to end, broken to fixed at a totally affordable price with the guidance you desire every step of the way. If I have peaked your curiosity, check out my entire masterclass at the link below.
Check out what my masterclass can offer you:
The Complete Thyroid Fix Masterclass

LET'S GET YOUR LIFE BACK...Connect with Dr. Amie Hornaman

Book a free discovery call: https://dramiehornaman.com/pages/book-a-call
You are worth the effort it will take and I will get you there. Trust the process!

Shop Dr. Amie's Fixxr Supplements: https://dramiehornaman.com/collections/supplements
Hormone Fixxr, Thyroid Fixxr, Blood Sugar Fixxr


If you haven't already done so:
Join my exclusive Facebook Group, Dr. Amie…The Thyroid Fixer...Love Your Mirror, for a Community of HOPE and Support in your thyroid journey.

Like me on Facebook: Amie Hornaman Nutrition and Functional Medicine

Subscribe on Youtube: Dr. Amie Hornaman

Follow me on Instagram: @dramiehornaman

 Hey all....SNEAK PEEK into a module in The Complete Thyroid Fix Masterclass. What path are you on for treating your Hashimoto's? The natural path or the medication path? If you choose the medication path, I will be discussing the fears and frustrations that doctors may have over T3 medications and what you may hear if you request T3 medication. In this episode, I will dive into the benefits of T3 medication and why you should not be scared of it. 

In my Complete Thyroid Fix Masterclass, I will take you from beginning to end, broken to fixed at a totally affordable price with the guidance you desire every step of the way. If I have peaked your curiosity, check out my entire masterclass at the link below.


Check out what my masterclass can offer you:

The Complete Thyroid Fix Masterclass

LET'S GET YOUR LIFE BACK...Connect with Dr. Amie Hornaman

Book a free discovery call: https://dramiehornaman.com/pages/book-a-call

You are worth the effort it will take and I will get you there. Trust the process!

Shop Dr. Amie's Fixxr Supplements: https://dramiehornaman.com/collections/supplements

Hormone Fixxr, Thyroid Fixxr, Blood Sugar Fixxr


If you haven't already done so:

Join my exclusive Facebook Group, Dr. Amie…The Thyroid Fixer...Love Your Mirror, for a Community of HOPE and Support in your thyroid journey.


Like me on Facebook: Amie Hornaman Nutrition and Functional Medicine

Subscribe on Youtube: Dr. Amie Hornaman

Follow me on Instagram: @dramiehornaman