Vasavi Kumar found herself divorced, financially dependent on her parents, and checking herself back into rehab (round two) for her cocaine and alcohol addiction at the age of 37.


She’d gone from being on TV interviews, very well known and respected in her industry, to being a nobody. She had been a “good little Indian girl" her whole life, getting the Ivy League education, getting married to a nice Indian man, growing a successful business - she was checking all the boxes.


But she was broken inside. Everything she did was to be SEEN by others, to try and make herself feel worthy, but she was totally disconnected from herself. 


Now, she is 1.5 years sober, happily single, loves herself, widely successful in her business, totally sure of herself, and not afraid to say no. 


This interview is full of fiery energy as Vasavi passionately speaks from the heart her journey from zero respect for herself to standing fully in her power now, and her strong-held belief that when we know ourselves; we can be, do, and have anything.


If her story resonates with you and you are looking for a business coach who can help with the marketing and strategy but also the mindset blocks and self-confidence, don’t hesitate to reach out to Vasavi on Instagram @highervasavi and head to her website for her free guide filled with powerful habits to help you live in power:


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