This episode is special not only because we’ve hit a milestone at episode number 50, but we are also in the middle of a major moment in history. CJ brings on Faiez Rana, one of his best friends in Austin, who was the very first guest on the first-ever episode of the Thrive On Life Podcast, back for the 50th episode to discuss their thoughts and feelings around the current modern-day civil rights movement.


This episode is not about business, we’ll just get that out of the way. Right now, there are way more important things to discuss, aka HUMAN LIVES and equality.


We don't have all the answers here. But Faiez fills us in on what he learned by re-reading Martin Luther King's autobiography and what parallels we can draw from the events happening now, to the civil rights movement in the ‘60s, and how we can act more strategically.


If you’d like to continue staying involved in conversations like these and discussing what we can do to help, we will be having a Zoom call within the online membership community on Tuesday, June 17th at 7 pm CST. Just shoot us a DM on Instagram and let us know you want in, and tell your friends!


Connect with Faiez Rana and order from Prep To Your Door:


Instagram: @preptoyourdoor and @faiezrana