In many ways, for a lot of us, our lives as we knew them have completely changed as a result of the pandemic. Some will assume the victim role and blame the circumstances for why they’re not where they want to be in life, while others will choose to define their circumstances and be the creator of a life they love.


Clint Harwick is an ex-professional athlete, exercise physiologist, licensed therapist, Dr. of Physical Therapy Student, and Founder of Body of Youth. He works with people whose lives have been changed forever all the time in the physical rehabilitation setting. He helps his patients and 1:1 clients transform from feeling hopeless about the life they’ve lost, to living a balanced life they’re excited about by tackling every aspect of physical and mental wellbeing.


Clint embodies the lifestyle that he teaches other people how to achieve. He is clear on his foundational values and pillars of passion, which helps him know where to invest his time, his energy, and how to make decisions. 


He shares with us everything he's learned over the years about living a balanced life on this episode of the Thrive On Life Podcast.


If you’re interested in working 1:1 with Clint and/or following his journey, please visit his website (, join his email newsletter, and follow his Instagram & TikTok @bodyofyouth. 


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