As if dating culture hasn’t been drastically shifted enough in the past few years with all the dating apps, social distancing has really made things interesting. Some people think it’s the best thing to ever happen to dating, while others think it’s the worst. 


For all things dating and relationships, we looked no further than Elsa Moreck as our next guest. Elsa knows all the latest trends in dating and what ways singles are getting creative with “dating while distancing”. 


Having grown up traditionally Lebanese, but always in American and international environments, Elsa received a lot of mixed messaging around what the purpose of dating is and what it should look like.


As she was going through her life coaching certification, where a lot of self-reflection is required, she started to question everything she “knew” and got much clearer on what she believes. 


Now, she has a thriving coaching business, where she is able to take her clients through a three-step process, to go from feeling completely defeated with dating, to knowing and finding exactly what they’re looking for. 


In this episode, we talk about how Elsa ended up on this path and the struggles she’s had along the way, what problems social distancing is causing for those who are dating, what a day in the life looks like for her as a dating and relationships coach, what exciting plans she has on the horizon, and much more.


Elsa adapted to social distancing and quickly pivoted her existing Facebook group to be a place where conscious singles can mingle. If you’re living in Austin, between the ages of 21-55, and serious about being intentional in dating, request to join Elsa’s group Down to Mingle on Facebook. She also has a self-paced membership and higher-touch one-on-one coaching.


Connect with Elisa



Facebook Group 


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