Everyone wants to be financially free but few know how to get there. Yash Chitneni is well on his mission to financial freedom, and he joins us this week to chat about cryptocurrency, why you should invest, and his story of being able to quit his job last summer because of crypto! We also chat about identity, creating content, and so much more. Tune in for more and see below for a full list of topics covered in this episode with Yash.

Key Topics
Introducing Yash and breaking down who he is 
How Yash got into creating content & media 
Why he recently quit his job 
The importance of identifying “processes” in your life 
How Yash got into cryptocurrency and how it has helped him on his goal to financial freedom
Resources to learn more about crypto
Why you should invest in crypto 
How to get in contact with Yash 
What does “thriving” mean to him


Connect with Yash: 

Yash’s Instagram

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