Internationally renowned clinician, educator, and activist Deborah Headley, MSW chats with Dr. Aaron Smith about how clinicians and educators can create safer spaces for clients and students who are at the intersections of multiple marginalized identities. Deborah shares her three-phase process for facilitating a trauma-informed, safe space to resolve conflicts. These include prevention, intervention, and resolution/evaluation:

Prevention: set the tone (framework, my background, experience, teaching style, lens); create agreements including me (my power), gatekeeping 

Intervention: review course syllabus and make connections (walk through) 

Resolution & Evaluation: critical analysis (belief, opinion vs information & knowledge) ▪ accommodations - all of you is welcome in the classroom; deconstructing the hidden curriculum; secondary & tertiary learning.


For more on Deborah, links from the conversation, and APA citation for this episode visit


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