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Darin Vilano grew up around small businesses and knows how to help them. After an early career with big corporations, he returned to his roots to create order from chaos, to help reinvent, to adjust pricing, customer acquisition and retention, and whatever else it takes to help.

8:38 “…a lot of these things are simple blocking and tackling…but when you string together three, four, or seven things it becomes really powerful.”

11:03 “you have to have a lot of humility.”

12:20 “I always have to be willing to learn… to point the finger at myself.”

16:42 “the cause of most unhappiness is mis-aligned expectations.”

23:04 “the more pricing detail I lay out… and show what they’re getting in the proposal, the more likely they’re going to work with me.”

29:42 “Everybody is fighting a battle that you know nothing about.”

Always growing.

Benno Duenkelsbuehler

CEO & Chief Sherpa of (re)ALIGN

[email protected]