Discourse — October 9, 2015

The work of the Godhead Charioteer will never be complete until the physical body is regenerated and reaccelerated and those life forces that vitalize and knit together the network of the cells and nervous system can serve as a bridge to the Electronic Body. Then life will be a simple process of holding open the door of Consciousness from the Realm of the Electronic Body into this physical realm. The Electronic Body can not only radiate through the realms of Perfection, but through memory, mind, feeling, and flesh. Like Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration, you can have that luminosity radiating through every cell of your body. The realm of the Presence is Perfection, Purity, and order. You can liberate the Light to act in your world, to radiate out that orderliness, turning over to your Presence the Authority to reorder every part of your life.

The Pharos of Hierarchy

Monroe Julius Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Temple of The Presence