The Maha Chohan ushers in the Rays and the Pranic Breaths of  the Twelve Chohans. He joyously introduces to you a cycle of outpouring from the Chohans to assist you in recognizing  those  areas where  you are already  upholding  the Truth of the Light of your God Presence, the Christ Light, and the Good Fruit that you are bringing to bear upon life. You will learn how you can expand that Goodness, that God Identity, into all areas of your life on every Ray of God Consciousness and through every Virtue of the Christ. The Chohans will also show you how you can breathe upon the Attainment that you have already garnered and expand it — glorifying God. Your vehicles are to learn how to be in the Presence of God, how to respond on the instant to the Command of God, and how to be filled with the Radiance of God.

October 7, 2015

Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Pharos of Hierarchy

The Temple of The Presence

The Maha Chohan ushers in the Rays and the Pranic Breaths of  the Twelve Chohans. He joyously introduces to you a cycle of outpouring from the Chohans to assist you in recognizing  those  areas where  you are already  upholding  the Truth of the Light of your God Presence, the Christ Light, and the Good Fruit that you are bringing to bear upon life. You will learn how you can expand that Goodness, that God Identity, into all areas of your life on every Ray of God Consciousness and through every Virtue of the Christ. The Chohans will also show you how you can breathe upon the Attainment that you have already garnered and expand it — glorifying God. Your vehicles are to learn how to be in the Presence of God, how to respond on the instant to the Command of God, and how to be filled with the Radiance of God.

October 7, 2015

Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Pharos of Hierarchy

The Temple of The Presence