The goals of this Conclave, “Lovers of Life” are twofold. First, for you to have a foretaste of the great radiating and ecstatic Bliss that is the first nature of the Ascended Masters, and sense the co-measurement of what is possible for you along those lines here and now and throughout the balance of your embodiment. Second, it is to redefine the meaning of the “good life” here on Earth as “God Life,” the true and everlasting good life of God Consciousness that is indeed possible and should be sought after instead of the quest for impermanent creature comforts. Mentioned in this Discourse are many of the wonderful aspects of this good life of the Ascended Master Way of Life, which are truly the highest and best that life has to offer — Peace, Harmony, Freedom, Fellowship, Chelaship, Love, Wholeness, Perfection, the Twin Flame Relationship, the Pranic Breaths, the Restoration of Memory and Immortality. And your attainment of everything belonging to this true good life begins with the Flame within your Heart, referred to as the Flame of Life, that Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame.

Discourse - 9/22/04

Lovers of Life

Harvest Conclave 2004

Monroe Julius Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Temple of The Presence