From their Retreat over Lake Titicaca in Peru, these great Manus of the Sixth Root Race release an immense amount of Cosmic Light as they come to proclaim the I AM Presence in the Earth and to awaken Earth’s lifestreams to their True Identity. As guardians of the Mother Flame, they stand in Purity’s Ray, holding fast to the Immaculate Concept of your Identity and your return home in Victory. Explaining that you have within you the Divine Blueprint and Pattern not only of your own individual Mission, but that of your Root Race, they instruct you on True Love and the True Mark of the Christ — the one who has loved God and received that Love in return, coursing over Wisdom’s Ray in the extending of one’s Heart.

August 2, 2003

Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative

Ecce Deus – Behold The God Realized Man

The Temple of The Presence