In this landmark Dictation, Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus stand with you so you might tangibly and consciously receive the Light from the Great Central Sun as it infuses and purges each of your vehicles, making room for your true attainment of God Consciousness. Instructing you on what is required for the Victory of your Ascension — the final steps of understanding how to move within the Light; how to be that Light; and how to allow that Light to bless all on Earth — they encourage you to unfurl your Threefold Flame and have the Courage to step within the Heart of God. You are to bring forth the artesian well of Life, for it is within your grasp. Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus, with the Holy Kumaras, Gautama, and the Nameless One, stand within the Great Central Sun and release to you the magnificent River of Love from the Secret Love Star, so you might never lose awareness of God’s Love. And they shower you with the Light from the Great Central Sun, so you might continually remember your own calling to the Light to come Home.


Lovers of Life

Harvest Conclave 2004

Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Temple of The Presence