Beloved Sanat Kumara

"Secret Love Star Dispensation"

Sanat Kumara charges you to remember and cherish your experiences with your Mighty I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters, for they are most important. These experiences train your outer vehicles so that you may continue to draw forth the Rays of God Consciousness. Then when the Ascended Masters step forth with Dispensations of Light and Momentum, you can receive more into your outer consciousness. Sanat Kumara stands on behalf of the Lords of the Secret Love Star in their Cosmic Light, streaming forth God Activity and Consciousness to effect change on the Earth and to bring about a greater awareness in God. Let the streaming forth of the Secret Love Star in your life be the momentous acceleration that you require to anchor the Fire of God, to be the servant of the Light, and to stream forth the Presence of God Love all your days.

October 18, 2015

When I AM Calling You... Love’s Duet with the Limitless Sea

Acropolis Sophia – Harvest 2015

Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Temple of The Presence