Just as Jesus invited all to the wedding feast, Saint Germain invites all to come to the Golden Age and to the Ascension! Sealing you within his Heart of Violet Flame so you will move beyond doubts, fears, questions and limitations, he shares with you many secrets — of alchemy; of how a Golden Age is won; of what is written upon your Heart; of your Mission as a Torch Bearer; of how to accomplish the work of the Entire Spirit of The Great White Brotherhood; and of how to move forward with God Determination to become your True Identity of the God Realized Man or Woman in Action. Urging you to fulfill what Godfre began in proclaiming the I AM, Saint Germain reveals that you, likewise, are called to go forth across the land and carry your torch high, expanding the I AM Faith!

August 2, 2003

Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative

Ecce Deus – Behold The God Realized Man

The Temple of The Presence