Beloved Lord Gautama

"Entering Into the Great Silence"

Your own Threefold Flame resides in the Heart of God in the Great Central Sun where the Consciousness of God draws upon all that is Pure and Divine. This is why you must constantly remind your outer vehicles that the Flame of God is the All-in-All, the Truth of your Identity. Embrace the Peace that resides in your Heart Flame so it governs your consciousness and allows you to stream forth from the Mind of God every Good and Perfect agenda for your life. You are given all of the Kingdoms of God to draw upon but they are to pass through you as the Perfect Creation establishing more of the Presence of God. Every thought and every emanation that passes through you holds the stamp of Identity of your Mighty I AM Presence so that you might expand the God Good of your Presence in all that you do.

October 25, 2015

When I AM Calling You... Love’s Duet with the Limitless Sea

Acropolis Sophia - Harvest 2015

Carolyn Louise Shearer, Anointed Representative

The Temple of The Presence