Welcome back to The TEFlology Podcast – A podcast all about teaching English as a foreign language, and related matters.

Today, we bring you our second of four episodes recorded as part of our ‘Diversity through Interaction’ forum at the 2018 JALT conference.

In this episode, Matt spoke to featured conference speaker Dat Bao.

Dr Dat Bao is a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Education at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. His research interests include curriculum development, world-related learning, intercultural education, and creative pedagogy in language education; a topic which is featured in today’s conversation.

Dat’s books include 2015’s Understanding Silence and Reticence: Ways of Participating in Second Language Acquisition, and the forthcoming edited collection Creativity and Innovations in ELT Materials Development: Looking Beyond the Current Design.

More information about Dat and his work can be found here.

Enjoy the interview.

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