Welcome back to The TEFLology Podcast - a podcast all about teaching English as a foreign language, and related matters.

Today we bring you an interview recorded at the independent ExciteELT conference held in Tokyo in June, with two of the invited speakers Chia Suan Chong and Mike Hogan. Chia is a freelance communication, business, and intercultural skills trainer, as well as resident blogger for etprofessional.com. Mike is an international team and leadership trainer, as well as an author of numerous books and articles related to business communication. The pair both live and work in York, in the United Kingdom, and are involved with the York Associates - a course provider in professional English and international communication training. 

I asked Chia and Mike some questions about their work in more detail, please enjoy!

More information about Chia can be found here

More information about Mike can be found here

For information about the ExciteELT conference, please look here

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