Welcome back to The TEFLology Podcast – a podcast all about teaching English as a foreign language, and related matters.

In episode 96, Matt leads a discussion about the differences between male and females scholars' uses of positive words in academic papers, Matthew introduces the idea of The Teaching Brain, and Rob talk about John Gallagher's book - Learning Languages in Early Modern England. 

Please enjoy! 

The article Matt refers to can be accessed here - https://www.bmj.com/content/367/bmj.l6573 

Information on The Teaching Brain can be viewed here - http://www.teachingbrain.org 

Learning Languages in Early Modern England can be found here - https://global.oup.com/academic/product/learning-languages-in-early-modern-england-9780198837909?cc=jp&lang=en&fbclid=IwAR2LRW0DmZyNdZlmGN_u4iv_Fv0NpsCukxNuWDRaYdEWgKNhGEe7k-uYnyY 

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