Hello Big Lifers,

The Commitment: I joyfully promise, from this moment on, to never give up my dreams and goals. I choose to remember always that the whole world is mine to explore, and I need never be alone in figuring it out and making it just right. That I was born worthy and loveable without condition and whatever brought me to this place is just the journey to my present and future self and not the sum total of who I am or who I will become.A course in Miracles: “my thoughts do not mean anything”

The first step is to loosen our identification with our thoughts because as long as we believe that our thoughts are our identity, we will resist changing them. We interpret changing our ideas as equivalent to death, because it means the loss of what we believe to be our identity. It is not surprising that there is great resistance to change.

It may seem personally insulting to tell ourselves all through the day, “My thoughts do not mean anything,” but in fact it is an important step in the process of freeing our minds from all false ideas

The thought for today is so valuable when we think about issues of unworthiness. All of those thoughts that we’ve collected over our lifetime mean nothing and all of those thoughts that tell us that we are unworthy — we don’t look good enough, we didn’t say the right thing, we didn’t do the right thing, we didn’t do it good enough, we shouldn’t have behaved that way. Recognizing these thoughts mean nothing leaves us with a clean slate

Live your life as if you have one year to live: 

Ask yourself these Questions: 

1) If I had a year to live what would I stop doing? worrying what people thought about me, parts of my job that aren’t in alignment with what I believe are for the greater good of my patients.

Doubting whether I was enough.

2)What would I start doing? incorporating more of my alternative thinking

3)What would I no longer care about? other peoples opinions of me. Whether I knew enough

4) What would I care about more?

5) why do my thoughts, feelings and actions change if I give myself a year to live.

If you want to unf*ck your mind and figure sh*t out so you can live the passionate life of your dreams without jumping off the roof contact me at: [email protected]

or schedule a Figure sh*t out together session and feel 10%better quickly and see if you want to work together.

#nikkineretin#drnikki#drnikkineretin#unfuckyourbrain#figuringshitout#youngadults#anxiety#findyour passion#depression#trauma#thelifecoachschool


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