Hey Joy Seekers,

When You believe someone is mad at you based on faulty evidence!

Commitment: I joyfully promise, from this moment on, to
never give up my dreams and goals. I choose to remember always that the whole
world is mine to explore, and I need never be alone in figuring it out and
making it just right.  That I was born
worthy and loveable without condition and whatever brought me to this place is
just the journey to my present and future self and not the sum total of who I
am or who I will become


ACIM lesson 19: I am not alone in experiencing the effects
of my thoughts.

Idea that anything that is private now is a fabrication and
illusion.  We are all of one mind and let go the thoughts of separation and isolation. Minds are joined.  One more baby step towards my release from


How to deal with your thoughts that people are mad at you if they don't respond to your text.

1) Decide: that you are going to choose a reason that acutually
could be just as true as the one that you are believing or thinking: ie: they have a lot going on, not in the mood to talk or depressed, forgot to hit send, driving or working, in social situations.

2)Check in: ask if everything is ok?  If you get really gutsy you might ask if they
are upset with you but don’t freak out when they have no idea what you are talking about.  If they are upset hopefully they
will tell you and you have the possibility to make it right or apologize if
need be.


3) Be Curious: as to why you are having the thoughts that make you believe that they are upset because they hadn’t answered.  When in doubt real curiosity is always useful. Everything is an opportunity to learn something new.


4) Compassion: be compassionate to your self in remembering
that their upset or lack of response is not the sum total of who you are as a
person or your connection in the world.  You are loveable and worthy.


5) Opportunity: Take the opportunity to use those feelings and
work on those placed in your life where you feel unloveable, alone or easily
forgotten.  Journal, EFT tapping, call a friend, do something fun or helpful to others.  start a gratitude list, notice the benignrealities around you.

If you want to unf*ck your mind and figure sh*t out so you can live the passionate life of your dreams without jumping off the roof contact me at: [email protected]

or schedule a ⁠⁠Figure sh*t out together⁠⁠ session and feel 50% better quickly and see if you want to work together.

#nikkineretin#drnikki#drnikkineretin#unfuckyourbrain#figuringshitout#youngadults#anxiety#findyour passion#depression#trauma#thelifecoachschool



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