Advice on creating memorable introductions for yourself and your tech brand.

In episode 6 of the Tech Marketer podcast I share advice on crafting the perfect elevator pitch and why you should have one for yourself as well as your tech products.

Take a listen below or subscribe on iTunes.
Episode 6 Highlights

1.44 – Why you need an elevator pitch 
2.10 – How to create a pitch that people retell
3.05 – Tips for crafting the perfect pitch
6.20 – How long should a pitch be?
7.40 – Pitch me! Creating personal pitches

Now it’s time to put your own story out there, tweet me your pitch for feedback at @techmarktr.

If you’re enjoying the Tech Marketer podcast or want to share some feedback, please review on iTunes. 

Cover image: Flickr – Mrhayata

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