Highlights Welcome


Welcome to The Teaching Space podcast. Thanks for joining me for episode 101; the first episode of season three.

In today’s episode I will look back on season two and highlight the “best bits” as well as explaining to you the plan for season three which is largely based on feedback from you, my listeners.

Season Two Best Bits


The first episode was 15 December 2017. There were no “seasons” then. Season two spanned episodes 64 to 100, so I called episodes one to 63 season one.

Season two’s best bits included:

Episode 65: Using Batching to be a Productive Teacher or Trainer (using podcast planning and marking as an example). Episode 66: The Power of Sticky Notes (including the history of the humble sticky note and seven ways you can use them in your classroom). Episode 67: Seven Ways to Simplify Your Life Outside Work (including wardrobe, paying bills, meals, batching, saying no, calendar planning and household chores). Episode 75: 5 More Ways Teachers and Trainers Can Improve Presentations (a follow up to episode 45, exploring branding, presentation purpose, notes, grid design and bullets). Episode 78: One Teacher's Journey to Productivity: An Interview with Justin Hockey (fellow teacher and productivity nerd). Episode 82: Four Methods for Formative Assessment (including discussion and questioning, quizzes, peer assessment and coded feedback). Episode 88: How I Read and Take Notes on a Journal Article (sharing my method and tools, refined during the first year of my master’s study). Episode 89: Mind Maps for Teachers, Trainers and Students (exploring what mind maps are and how to create them by hand and digitally). Episode 92: How I Run an Online Class (a COVID crisis inspired episode sharing my approach and tools). Episode 100: An Interview with Oliver Caviglioli (the finale to season two - a fun and interesting interview with a real-life education rockstar!)

Episode locations are: theteachingspace.com/episode number in digits (e.g. theteachingspace.com/101).

Plan for Season Three


Towards the end of season two I sent a questionnaire to my email newsletter subscribers asking for feedback on the podcast to shape season three. Off the back of that, I am trying a new approach. Here are the headlines:

Longer episodes, once a fortnight, no break for holidays except summer. More interviews. More video. Change to music. Brief, but time-stamped show notes. Live shows… maybe. Wrap Up


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Helpful Links Episode 65: Using Batching to be a Productive Teacher or Trainer Episode 66: The Power of Sticky Notes Episode 67: Seven Ways to Simplify Your Life Outside Work Episode 75: 5 More Ways Teachers and Trainers Can Improve Presentations Episode 78: One Teacher's Journey to Productivity: An Interview with Justin Hockey Episode 82: Four Methods for Formative Assessment Episode 88: How I Read and Take Notes on a Journal Article Episode 89: Mind Maps for Teachers, Trainers and Students Episode 92: How I Run an Online Class Episode 100: An Interview with Oliver Caviglioli