Functional communication training is when we teach our students functional communicative responses to get their wants and needs met. If you have not heard of this intervention, you are missing out, your students are missing out.

We can using functional communication training to teach our students how to ask for a break, how to ask for help, and how to get all of their needs and wants met so they can be successful in our classroom.

A lot of time, I mean a lot of time, our students engage in undesired behavior because they do not know how to communicate their needs and wants in that moment.

In this episode I talk all about the importance of functional communication training. I dispel some misconceptions of functional communication training that often stop us from using it in in our classroom. Lastly, I talk about how we can use functional communication training in ALL of our classrooms.

I walk you through all of the steps you need to start teaching students functional communicative responses and how this strategy can be so powerful in your classroom.

Our students do not always know how to communicate what they need when they become upset or frustrated or when they are sad or angry. That is where we come in. We can teach them functional communicative responses that are alternatives to the undesired behaviors we sometimes see in our classroom.

You won't regret listening to this episode! Learn how to use functional communication training in your classroom right now.

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