Repaying your student loans can be daunting. Believe me, after spending 10 years in school and getting 4 degrees, I wish I was more prepared to repay my student loans. Over time I learned a couple of different strategies that have completely taken the overwhelm out of repaying my student loans. In this episode you will learn my top 3 strategies for repaying my student loans that have allowed me to repay 20 thousand dollars back in just 18 months.

The first strategy I use when repaying my student loans is talking with a financial advisor. A lot of teachers aim to use the federal student loan forgiveness plan, and that was my plan too. However, after talking with a financial advisor I decided that was not the route I was going to take. I choose this for myself for several different reasons, one of which being that the program may not be around when it is time for my loans to get forgiven and there a lot of rules that you need to follow or your loans will not qualify. I give you my opinion on this program in this episode, but most importantly, you should set up a meeting with a financial advisor to see what your options are. I highly suggest sitting down with someone who knows about the federal student loan forgiveness program before deciding on that route.

The next strategy I have used would be getting a second job. Now, I know this might not be appealing to everyone, but if you can find a flexible very part time job you can make extra income that can go directly to your student loans, which can be invaluable and save you so much on interest. I teach as an adjunct professor and make enough money to make my monthly student loan payment and direct extra money toward my two biggest loans. This has and will continue to save me SO much money over time. It is worth looking into at the very least.

Lastly, I would look into refinancing your student loans. I know this might sound daunting and scary, but there is a completely free resource out there called Juno. Juno is a company that was started by a couple of millennials that saw so many students were drowning in student loan debt. With their FREE services you can get lower interest rates which will save you SOOOO much money in the long run.

If you want to sign up for their free service, use the link below and start saving!
 Save with Juno TODAY

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