Next Episode: Let It Go

Remind is a free tool that has helped me a great deal in my teaching profession. Remind is a communication tool that helps teachers connect instantly with students and parents. Send quick, simple messages to any device. Sign up in seconds to send messages to your entire class or individual subscribers. Keep phone numbers private—students never see yours, and you never see theirs. Save time by sending one-way Announcements or starting two-way Chats. Reach students and parents on any device for free. Big exam or event next month? Compose an Announcement, schedule it, and forget it. Attach and send photos, documents, presentations, PDFs—and more. Use the mobile app to record and send voice messages to students and parents.

Phone numbers stay private, so information is safe and secure. Teachers, students, and parents have easy access to reporting tools and all message logs. Teachers never see students’ phone numbers. Students never see theirs. Teachers, students, and parents can flag messages to stay safe.

Teachers, students, and parents can start using Remind immediately—on any device and free of charge.

Visit Remind and try it out at

Leave your comments and opinions on our new voicemail line at 770-322-4160. Your feedback may be used on a future broadcast!

Please support the show with a review on I-Tunes or a PayPal donation of any amount at Thank you!