Classroom Management and training your class in your expectations and systems is never a "one-and-done" process. I know you understand that, but it's easy to forget to reset or retrain your students throughout the year. 

Even your car needs a tune-up once in a while, why don't we remember to do the same for our classroom procedures? Perhaps you know someone who is resisting doing this. I've seen it before... teachers who think retraining seems like a lot of time when they have so little or they're stubbornly insisting their students know what to do so they should just do it, or some other reason. Whatever the reason, it's a lie. It's definitely time for a tune-up even if things are running well.

Today is all classroom management and about what to retrain and how to retrain your students.

Listen in to find out more [and don't forget to grab the free Power Phrase Worksheet [and check out the Playground Packet] in the show notes!