This week on The Tarot Diagnosis Podcast we tackle a topic that has been on our “to talk about” list for quite a while now. It’s a topic that is often dominating social media: Narcissism.

We love to talk about the narcissists, don’t we? We love to call them out and talk about how toxic they are. But we must ask - what are we really talking about? Are we trying to understand a phenomenon, or are we trying to protect ourselves? Perhaps both. Which is how we begin this not-to-be-missed conversation that dives deep both in terms of what narcissism is (and isn't) and what it looks like, and also what we can and should do when faced with it in our daily lives.

The Two of Pentacles and Nine of Swords are the cards that show up first, and they guide us through a host of others to help us better consider and navigate living in a world with some very difficult people.

Shannon takes a risk by using The Jungian Tarot, a deck she never uses, but finds cloaked in shadows – perfect for a discussion on Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Luna’s deck offers mostly the minor arcana, which ends up being a nice balance to the multiple majors that show up from Shannon’s pulls.

Join us as we get real about this very popular topic and even explore how society's fascination with the term narcissist is actually detrimental and furthers the stigma associated with mental health.

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Audio Edited by Anthony DiGiacomo of Deep Resonance Sound

Contact: [email protected]

Music by Timmoor from Pixabay