Previous Episode: 107: Mom's Against Everything
Next Episode: 109: Princess Exclusive

The Tangent - 108: Squeaking Out Some Seeds

Sometimes people just need a break. A little time away, if you will. I think you can understand? This week we record a day early, so Justin is out of the mix, because as you know, ball is life. But in any case that doesn't really slow us down.

Leading off is Gary, and boy does he lead off. He gets right into Mass Effect: Andromeda, where Brian and Anthony also jump in. He says he won't be as negative as last week and get caught up in the GIF hype. Gary's got about 12 - 16 hours, whereas Anthony and Brian have only put in  5 - 6 hours and 2 - 3 hours, respectfully. Brian thinks the tutorial does a good job with no heavy conversations and it starts off quick and then slows down. Feeling like a slightly better Mass Effect, but the story isn't all that great. Though, Gary thinks the cover system is a piece of shit. They can all agree that the game shouldn't be getting the "hate" that it currently is. Gary then moves onto Lawbreakers, a game finally secured a demo code for. Hard work pays off. But what's more astonishing is that this could be the game that takes Gary away from Overwatch. Mighty big words. Next up is Brian, where he finally wraps up Horizon: Zero Dawn. It's his 'Game of the Year' so far. He finds the story farfetched and outlandish, but the animations are better than Mass Effect: Andromeda. And as we know, that's hard to accomplish... However, the game and story wrap up nicely. Last this week is Anthony. Him and the rest of us talk about where we are in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Suffice it to say, Anthony's way ahead of us all (surprise, surprise).

We continue on with the Drunken News this week and it's point system, with some great stories. We talk about YouTube's new restrictions, Overwatch and a potential map editor, harsh working conditions at BioWare, leaked Destiny 2 poster, and more!

The Drunken News

YouTube’s restriction rules are impacting gaming channels Overwatch Director Says Map Editor Could Come In Distant Future Alleged BioWare Employee Details Harsh Working Conditions Dark Souls 3 Ringed City DLC Patch Notes Revealed Fallout 4 VR Confirmed for E3 2017, Will ‘Blow Our Minds’ Mass Effect: Andromeda devs "absolutely listening" to fans, investigating updates for complaints The hero Australia deserves: senator commands Canberra to 'leave gamers alone' Fan project to get Zelda: Breath of the Wild running on PC shows remarkable progress Leaked Destiny 2 poster puts release date in September Xbox Games With Gold for April include Ryse, Darksiders


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