The Tangent - 107: Mom's Against Everything

Gary opens up this week with a EA Early Access game. It's Mass Effect: Andromeda and it has some unique quirks, such as: bad writing, sparse gameplay, and animations that would be fitting in The Looney Tunes. However, not all is bad, as the game looks incredible. Gary's hoping it gets better as it goes on. His next game was Quake Champions, which he got a chance to play at PAX East last week. It's a free to play game, but you can also buy the game outright. It's everything he loves about those old "fast shooters". Rounding out his week is Gotham City Imposters. Another free to play game that's also a first person shooter. Let's just say you press 'G' to throw a grenade. Anthony's next and it's Breath of the Wild, allowing Brian and Stephen to chime in. He's two dungeons down. Lightfall was a game Anthony played at PAX East and he says it's like Super Meat Boy, but faster. I really don't know how that is possible. Anthony and Brian then get into two PAX games, Wulverblade and Chasm. The former is a hand drawn historically accurate side-scrolling beat-em-up game. They got the chance to chat with the developer, too. Chasm is basically a Castlevania-type game. It has a bit of a Game of Thrones vibe. Then Brian talks about a game he played at the Boston Fig, Preception. It's by Deep End Games, and you play as a blind girl who uses sonar (think Daredevil) to navigate her away around a mansion. Brian does a better job explaining it than I do. Lastly, Justin, has two games. First, Moonlighter, also another PAX game. It's a hack-n-slash. The thing he likes most about it? You can sell your items on the innovatory screen. Then it's Dragon Age. He's put about 80 - 85 hours into the game, beating the last mission and all 10 dragons. There is some form of New Game Plus and a multiplayer similar to Mass Effect.

The Drunken News this week is different. We've decided to do a points system (where the points may or may not matter). I think it turned out well, but you can be the judge. So, be sure to let us know!!

The Drunken News

PlayStation Now will bring PS4 games to your PC Horizon Zero Dawn sales top 2.6M units in under two weeks H1Z1 PLAYERBASE GROWS 1000% IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS Mass Effect 1 Has Distinctively Better Animations Than Andromeda Sonic Mania delayed to summer Report: Nintendo To Double Switch Production For Next Fiscal Year The Witcher 3's animators created 7,000 new animations in one year for the DLC


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