Nate Bohnet brings podcasting expertise from two different categories to the table. The first being that he is a podcaster. The second and what the first episode of this two part series is about his experience as an audio engineer.
Unless you are already famous and/or can afford to record your podcasts in a totally soundproofed and controlled environment, you are likely like Nate and I and record in an extra room or even the basement of your house.
Part 1 with Nate goes over ways to make your podcast sound quality go from amateur to pro while recording at home at not busting your budget.
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Nate Bohnet brings podcasting expertise from two different categories to the table. The first being that he is a podcaster. The second and what the first episode of this two part series is about his experience as an audio engineer.

Unless you are already famous and/or can afford to record your podcasts in a totally soundproofed and controlled environment, you are likely like Nate and I and record in an extra room or even the basement of your house.

Part 1 with Nate goes over ways to make your podcast sound quality go from amateur to pro while recording at home at not busting your budget.

If you find this content valuable and would like access to some cool perks, become a patron, here

If you know someone who would benefit from this podcast, please help me spread the word and share this link:

Follow me on Instagram: with me on Linkedin: to my Youtube Channel: