Wherein we talk with Wolf Vollprecht about his work on Conda Forge and Mamba and the upcoming Packaging-Con (https://packaging-con.org/) event that he's organizing.
The Packaging Con 2021: Call for Presentations is open until 1st September 2021,14:00 (UTC) if you'd like to speak: https://pretalx.com/packagingcon-2021/cfp Special Guest: Wolf Vollprecht.

Wherein we talk with Wolf Vollprecht about his work on Conda Forge and Mamba and the upcoming Packaging-Con event that he's organizing.

The Packaging Con 2021: Call for Presentations is open until 1st September 2021,14:00 (UTC) if you'd like to speak: https://pretalx.com/packagingcon-2021/cfp

Special Guest: Wolf Vollprecht.


conda-forgeconda-forge on GitHubAnaconda.orgPackagingCon 2021PackagingCon 2021: Call for PresentationsPackage Management devroom FOSDEM 2018Wolf Vollprecht on GitHubWolf VollprechtWolf Vollprecht on TwitterQuantStackQuantStack on GitHub

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