Wherein we discuss Conan, the C and C++ package manager with Diego Rodriguez-Losada as it reaches 1.0. We talk about what inspired the development of Conan, package management problems specific to C/C++ package management and the plans for the future.
Note: This episode was recorded 9 months before it was published, so some details may be out of date. Special Guest: Diego Rodriguez-Losada.

Wherein we discuss Conan, the C and C++ package manager with Diego Rodriguez-Losada as it reaches 1.0. We talk about what inspired the development of Conan, package management problems specific to C/C++ package management and the plans for the future.

Note: This episode was recorded 9 months before it was published, so some details may be out of date.

Special Guest: Diego Rodriguez-Losada.


ConanConan on GitHubBintrayBincraftersbiicodeJFrog XrayConan hits 1.0Cpplang SlackDiego's websiteDiego on TwitterDiego on GitHubSwampUP

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