Wherein we chat with Todd Gamblin about Spack, the package manager for supercomputers. We talk the unique challenges that packaging for High-performance computing platforms bring to package management, whether you should mine bitcoins on super computers and what's planned for the future of spack. Special Guest: Todd Gamblin.

Wherein we chat with Todd Gamblin about Spack, the package manager for supercomputers. We talk the unique challenges that packaging for High-performance computing platforms bring to package management, whether you should mine bitcoins on super computers and what's planned for the future of spack.

Special Guest: Todd Gamblin.


SpackSpack on GitHubSpack documentationLawrence Livermore National LaboratoryHigh-performance computering on WikipediaEasyBuildSpack white paperHow To Make Package Managers CryPubGrub: Next-Generation Version Solving – Natalie WeizenbaumTodd Gamblin on GitHubTodd Gamblin on TwitterTodd Gamblin on The Changelog

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