This is our 100th CarrotCast! In the beginning, I didn't even want to start a podcast. I thought it would be too difficult and daunting trying to provide consistently valuable content to my audience. I thought it would take more time than it's worth. And yet, here we are. :slightly_smiling_face: I'm glad I started because I would never have made it to episode 100 if I hadn't done episode 1 or 3 or 5 or 50. In other words, life is a journey, business is a journey, and podcasts are a journey. Whatever you've started or dream of starting, this episode is dedicated to you, as a reminder to start and stick with it until it's finished. As they say, "Nothing ever finished that wasn't started" and "It ain't done til it's done." So here's to the start of many things and the continuation of many more. Listen to find out what I've learned along my four-year journey at Carrot. It's been a wild ride. And seriously, thanks for listening. You make this  worth doing.

***Join us live, Thursdays at 11 AM Pacific for the Evergreen Marketing Live Q&A:

***Need to grow as a leader? Check out Trevor’s podcast:

***Learn more at - Carrot, a 5x Inc 5000 company, with millions of motivated leads generated over 10+ years.