This is the second episode of a 6 episode series where the Bulldog Educator host, Kirsten Wilson, chats with guest, Matthew Caston about the questions she has been contemplating, how a student-centered focus in PLCs differs from the traditional framework, and explores what other aspects need to be present in a PLC such storytelling and sharing a narrative. The concept of affinity groups, fugitive pedagogy, and expanding the definition of data all can have a transformative impact. The discussion explores how PLCs have benefited or not benefited them, their voice, and the voice of their students.

Resources referenced in order presented:

4 Essential Questions for the PLC:

Fischer, D., & Frey, N. (2015, February). That pesky fourth PLC question. Solution Tree Blog. Retrieved from

Characteristics of a PLC:

Bailey, K. (2010). 6 essential characteristics of a PLC. Retrieved from

Affinity Spaces:

Bell, M. K. (2015). Making space. Learning for Justice. Retrieved from

Fugitive Pedagogy:

Gibson, L. (2022, February 17). Fugitive pedagogy. Harvard Magazine. Retrieved from

You can locate Matthew Caston on LinkedIN. You can also find him on Twitter- @matthewcaston or locate him and his stories about life and pondering the impact of the "Fugitive" Pedagogy on his instagram @matt.caston

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