Jessica Fein was a marketing executive and mom who adopted three lovely children from South America. Her world was turned upside down when her daughter Dalia was diagnosed with a rare disease called MERFF Sydrome and ended up passing away in her teens. Jessica shares her insights on taking care of children with illnesses, how to overcome loss of family members (sudden and anticipatory grief), how loved ones can provide support to those who are caregiving, and what it means to find solace in your own breath.

Meet My Guest:
Instagram: @feinjessica
Facebook: Jessica Fein
Podcast: I Don’t Know How You Do It
LinkedIn: Jessica Fein
Newsweek: I Was Determined to Cure My Daughter, But I Learned a Powerful Lesson
Huffpost: I Lost My Daughter To A Rare Disease, But It's What I Did After That Surprises People The Most
Pstchology Today: Why Bereavement Leave is Important
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Jessica Fein was a marketing executive and mom who adopted three lovely children from South America. Her world was turned upside down when her daughter Dalia was diagnosed with a rare disease called MERFF Sydrome and ended up passing away in her teens. Jessica shares her insights on taking care of children with illnesses, how to overcome loss of family members (sudden and anticipatory grief), how loved ones can provide support to those who are caregiving, and what it means to find solace in your own breath.

Meet My Guest:


Instagram: @feinjessica

Facebook: Jessica Fein

Podcast: I Don’t Know How You Do It

LinkedIn: Jessica Fein



Newsweek: I Was Determined to Cure My Daughter, But I Learned a Powerful Lesson

Huffpost: I Lost My Daughter To A Rare Disease, But It's What I Did After That Surprises People The Most

Pstchology Today: Why Bereavement Leave is Important

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