Hey, it’s time for another break from The Flash! Caitlin and Nicole, who shall henceforth be known as “Nicole Prime,” welcome their friend also named Nicole, who shall henceforth be known as “Space Nicole,” and whom, although having intellect of the highest degree, is understood to serve below Nicole Prime in the TNHSW hierarchy. Should Space Nicole wish to supplant Nicole Prime as Supreme Nicole of the Nerdy Podcasts, Space Nicole must initiate a duel of strength, wits, or love of llamas (note: Nicole Prime does not recommend that last one for she shall always win by virtue of her excessive love of llamas). However, should such a duel be initiated by Space Nicole, the location and weapons of the duel shall be selected by Nicole Prime. Caitlin or another neutral third party of her choosing shall stand as witness and referee of the outcome and shall also confirm the winner of the duel as the new or existing Supreme Nicole of the Nerdy Podcasts with an impromptu karaoke duet of “Call Me Maybe”. As it is written here, so shall it be known within the TNHSW laws.

Whew, sorry folks, had to get that legalese out of the way. Where were we again? Oh, right! Caitlin, Nicole Prime, and Space Nicole discuss the 2017 film Geotrash … er, Geostorm starring a bunch of famous people and Gerard Butler. Hoo boy is the science bad. Did the writers know that you can watch videos of the life and times on the International Space Station on YouTube? Because we don’t think they did, and it shows. It really, really shows.


Orbits, how do they work?

ISS Mission Page

Live Video Feed from ISS

Find the rest of the articles for the episode here.

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Caitlin: twitter.com/CaitlinVanasse

Nicole Prime: twitter.com/NicoleLuckless

Space Nicole: twitter.com/SpaceAgNicole

TNHSW Podcast: twitter.com/TNHSWpod


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